The step-by-step roadmap for women over 40 to balance changing hormones and achieve optimal weight, health and energy levels. 

Rooted in science, kindness and common sense.

self-paced, watch as & when suits you



The step-by-step roadmap for women over 40 to balance changing hormones and achieve optimal weight, health and energy levels. 

Rooted in science, kindness and common sense.

self-paced, watch as & when suits you

Let's Do This!

Tell me...

Are you a woman who has arrived at her midlife only to realise that her body and metabolism seem to be playing by the new set of rules? The one you have little control over?

Or your weight keeps creeping up and you have tried every route under the sun from cutting calories to endless supplements - but not seeing the results you’d hoped for?

Or you have now experienced first-hand that the “eat less, exercise more” approach doesn’t work once your peri/menopausal hormones start to fluctuate and decline?

And you are doing all the right things. Yet the weight won’t shift.

Add constant sugar cravings and need to snack on that. 

And your doctor is concerned with your cholesterol or blood sugar levels?

Or your energy levels that won’t grow despite your best efforts.

The bloat that doesn’t go away.

Can you recognise yourself in any of these scenarios?

Don't worry. It doesn't have to stay this way.


Hi, I’m Olga Bonde

I am a Registered Nutritional Therapist, transformation coach and founder of Olga Bonde Nutrition.

My own arrival to perimenopause was a bit premature and more dramatic than I’d wished for. My body was not able to cope with the aftermath of personal events. Hormones out of whack, weight gain, digestive issues and a damaged thyroid later, I can say that I’ve been there, got the T-shirt and can relate to my client’s problems on a very personal level. 

It was, however, this quest for saving my own health that got me to work alongside some of Britain’s most amazing and forward-thinking female health doctors and functional medicine practitioners, and lead to specialising in female midlife metabolic health. As well as teaching these subjects in some of the leading health institutions.

These days, fully back to my radiant health, I am guiding my clients, women over 40, along a healthful path.

I have made it my mission to help women develop a deep and trusting relationship with their bodies, where things never fall into good and bad categories, and food is always a source of nourishment and pleasure. 

Through my 1:1 and public work I help women create sustainable lifestyle, mindset and nutrition habits so they can reach their optimal weight, energy levels, better digestion and live the life they always wanted for themselves, free from deprivation and restrictive dieting. I'd be delighted if you join me on this journey.

Can you picture this for a moment?


✨ You TOTALLY get what's going on with your changing body and how to take control of this change.

 ✨ You are at your healthiest weight, the one that allows you to do all the things that you love, with confidence and joy.

✨ You have steady energy, all day long.

✨ Your sugar cravings are a matter of the past now.

✨ You are not scared of food, rather opposite - you eat with pleasure, in a way that nourishes you.

✨ You have this new sense of deep trust, understanding and love for your body.

✨ You have a better, stable mood, consistently, no matter the weather.

✨ Your digestion works really well and the bloat is gone.


I created this course to give you a step-by-step roadmap that will give you real results. So you never have to feel confused again, wondering whether you are doing right things for your beautiful body. You'll know that you do and your health will be there to prove it. 

Some Kind Words From Our Members...

Jacqui Anne, 54
"Just had to drop a line to say THANK YOU for being the wizard behind my menopause health glow-up. Your program rocked my world, and the results? Mind-blowing! 9 kg down and counting. Can't stop raving about you - seriously, I'm like your walking billboard. Highly, HIGHLY recommend your magic touch to everyone. You are the real deal, Olga! "
Nicola, 44
"I can't find the words to express my gratitude for guiding me through this transformative journey. Your support, wisdom and knowledge have been nothing short of miraculous for my tired body. The results are beyond amazing - I feel like a whole new person! Your dedication is felt in every piece of advice and I can't recommend you enough. Thank you from the bottom of my rejuvenated heart."
Suki, 50
"This program has been such an eye opener and really transformational for me.  My menopausal symptoms have pretty much disappeared aside from the odd hot flush now and again (as opposed to several a day).
 Affordable and given with such love and nurturing support. I have tons of energy and have finally stepped off the sugar train that held me hostage for so long.  (You can have sugar, just at the right time!)  No guilt, no judgements, the whole program, the recipes, the support, the Facebook group of likeminded women...all just absolutely amazing.  Thank you Olga.  This isn't just a program, these habits will change your life."
 Julie, 46
"What can I say? A breath of fresh air, someone who doesn't expect perfection but allows you to do your best with good intentions. Your knowledge and expertise has given me hope of my lost cause (in my eyes) bad habits. Snacking, sugar addiction and not listening to what my body needs. Now I listen. 
My poor gut has been hurt by my actions and you have given me the tools and armour to protect it for the next phase of my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Never experienced a course like this and I can honestly say you are like the salt of the earth with your wisdom and knowledge of nutrition. One body, one life and I intend to fuel it and love it like you've taught me."
Sharon, 47
"Thank you again Olga for a truly magnificent course. Your teaching skills are just perfection for me. I love your ethos of zero judgement and passing on knowledge with such kindness and joy. This programme (and the liver course in sept) has had a HUGE and positive impact on my life. It’s incredible to finally at the age of 47 to really understand how to take care of myself and nourish my body and heal. It’s absolutely life changing in the most positive and wonderful way. 
I cannot thank you enough Olga!"

What's inside the course:

(you will enjoy, I promise!)

🔸 6 consecutive modules packed full with short, practical and easy to digest video lessons teaching you WHAT to do and HOW exactly to do it (recorded, so you can watch or listen to them in your own time).

🔸NOURISH&THRIVE midlife metabolism healing framework (based on hundreds of 1:1 clients I coached and taught).

🔸 Private community of like-minded women for inspiration & support.

🔸 NOURISH & THRIVE recipe book with 70+ gut and metabolism-friendly recipes to feed the whole family.

🔸 Handouts and guidance on how to create nutrient-dense plates and snacks.

🔸 Classes with guest teachers on breath work, meditation, facial massage, yoga, pilates, body weight exercise.

🔸 Guides on how to support your liver, your adrenals, your bone density, how to make mineral foot baths, castor oil packs and lots of other holistic techniques your body will LOVE.

🔸 Shopping list for everything you might need for the programme and beyond.

🔸 Testing & supplement recommendations.

🔸 Access to my practitioner discount for professional grade supplements.

How does the course work?

I've created this course with a busy modern woman in mind, so you can consume the content the way it works best for you - listening to it on the go or at a comfort of your desk, watching videos and maybe even making notes.

Here is what you can expect from each module:


We are starting, hurray! Some practical info on how to get the most out of the programme. You will learn how to navigate the portal and what to expect in the weeks ahead. 


By the end of this module you will have a very clear understanding of all the moving parts in your metabolism, why things do not work the way they used to and what we are going to do to bring you back to a happy place.


In this module I'll teach you all the important bits, techniques and tricks to keeping your blood sugar balanced. Because when that's in place - amazing things start happening to your body, mind and energy levels. No strict limitations are necessary, we are setting some sustainable foundations that you can use and enjoy for the rest of your life. 

Module 3: MIND THE GUT

By the end of this module you will have a clear and strong mastery of looking after your two metabolic organs - gut and liver. I'll teach you a gold standard of caring for both, so you can be confident that you look after yours like a pro. We'll cover a wide range of topics from your shopping choices, to cooking techniques, to holistic daily practices you'll find easy to implement.


Here you will learn some easy ways of putting together highly nourishing, anti-inflammatory & gut friendly plates of food. You’ll learn about sources of inflammation in diet & lifestyle, and how to reduce them. You'll know how to recognise the signs of inflammation and the best way to eat to lower it without cutting your favourite foods out for good.


Because knowledge is helpful, but it is only as great as our ability to implement it, right? In this module I'll equip you with some of the most effective habit and change implementation tools. We'll talk about winning mindset, we'll discuss why done is always better than perfect, we'll practice radical self-kindness and marvel at the results these bring.


This module comes closer to the end of the programme when you are ready to take this next step and experience one of the most powerful metabolic tools - fasting mimicking diet. I'll guide you through the whole process day by day, so you can experience first hand the amazing benefits of this approach when it's done correctly. 




Everyone’s journey is different, choose the option that works best for you.



single payment


  • 6 weekly modules with video lessons
  • Nourish&Thrive metabolism healing framework (used with my 1:1 clients)
  • private community of women inspiration & support 
  • 70 page Nourish&Thrive Cookbook
  • weightloss meal plans and guides
  • guided fasting mimicking diet programme
  • classes with guest teachers on breath work, facial massage, pilates, yoga, body weight exercise 
  • worksheets, guides & shopping lists
  • testing & supplement recommendations
  • access to my practitioner discount on professional grade supplements
  • lifetime access to the course contents



2 monthly payments


  • 6 weekly modules with video lessons
  • Nourish&Thrive metabolism healing framework (used with my 1:1 clients)
  • private community of women for inspiration & support
  • 70 page Nourish&Thrive Cookbook
  • weightloss meal plans and guides
  • guided fasting mimicking diet programme
  • classes with guest teachers on breath work, facial massage, pilates, yoga, body weight exercise 
  • worksheets, guides & shopping lists
  • testing & supplement recommendations 
  • access to my practitioner discount on professional grade supplements
  • lifetime access to the course contents