My 4-month 1:1 health and weight transformation programme for women over 40.

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My 4 month health and weight transformation programme for women over 40.


If you are reading this page, then like many other peri and menopausal women,

you probably know that female metabolism in midlife has its own intricacies.

The ones that do not fall into the “eat less, exercise more” category. 

This approach may have worked before, when you were 30, but now you've realised that there is a lot more to your metabolism than counting calories and skipping meals. 
Some call it body wisdom.

Once you reach midlife, you cannot ignore anymore the processes that have the biggest impact on your metabolism. Things like:


the nutrient status of your body… 

your blood sugar balance… 

how healthy your gut and liver are… 

levels of inflammation in your body…

your levels of stress… 

your overall hormonal balance. 

Your own genetic code cannot be ignored either, because it plays a huge role in

how your body behaves.

There really are many moving parts… and if you’re feeling frustrated or overwhelmed, I can understand why.

My 4 month 1:1 health and weight transformation programme that takes into account all of your wonderful nuances and intricacies.

GET GLOWING Method is my unique approach to creating sustainable life and diet changes that will help you optimise your hormones and nutrient imbalances.

The result? You achieve your happy weight, regain your energy and feel empowered to live a life you love, on your terms.

Book a Free Discovery Call

"I feel all over better in my body and lost a stone and 6lbs."

I cannot thank you enough for this course and how wonderful it has been! So interesting, informative and really has changed what and how I now eat! I'm feeling the best I have in such a long time, my stomach bloating is so much better (has bugged me for years), I feel all over better in my body and lost a stone and 6lbs which was an added bonus! Once again a very big thank You!

Teresa, 46

Together, through a comprehensive plan of action, we'll uncover and address the root of your weight gain.

I am by your side, on your side, and here

to see you flourish.

By combining functional testing, dietary, lifestyle changes and transformative coaching, we’ll address

your hormones, digestion, nervous and endocrine systems. But most importantly – we’ll fundamentally change the way you feel about food (for good). You’ll begin to see that food is a joy, nourishment and pleasure and should never be anything less than that. And this will change your life forever.

Using some state of the art testing methods we will be able to identify the underlying imbalances that are preventing you from feeling and looking your best.

Using some state of the art testing methods we will be able to identify the underlying imbalances that are preventing you from feeling and looking your best.

After 4 months of transformative support and working closely together, you will  become the confident woman you dream about. You’ll look and feel transformed in your body and health…

with the balance you need to Glow.

Book a Free Discovery Call


is my signature method of rejuvenating female midlife metabolism through the anti-inflammatory and gut-friendly way of eating and living. Tested and proven by thousands of my female clients from all across the world.

Book Your Free Discovery Call

"I lost weight without trying."

I do believe that you have given me the gift of food. I love delicious food but as weight has crept on and on I bounced about knowing could do better/should eat less/not eat that etc etc till food had become loaded with negativity or just "don't care anymore. 

So a huge thank you for that!! I lost weight without trying. I feel more energetic and enthusiastic about caring for myself. I would heartily recommend you dear Olga to anyone who wants sound, sensible advice, backed with seemingly limitless knowledge of your subject!!!

Hilary, 57

 I’m going to take your hand and guide you through the final part of the journey… one I know you’ve been on for some time now. 

My depth of experience and expertise will be underpinned by: 

▪ Functional testing – Genetic test to identify your personal metabolism code, hair mineral analysis, comprehensive Blood Panel including a full thyroid panel – because you’re unique and this is NOT a one-size-fits all approach

▪ In-depth lab reviews – so that we can see what makes you unique AND what’s been keeping you stuck.

▪ Your personal protocol addressing food, rest, movement, stress & targeted supplementation – so that you know exactly what to do, without the guesswork or confusion.

▪ 8 one-on-one sessions –so you can feel completely supported and accountable on your journey.

▪ Unlimited messaging support inside your client portal and food log reviews – so that no question goes unanswered and no “slip-up” gets you down.

â–Ş A welcome pack including tips, guides, all the resources you may find useful on your journey, and access to weekly educational videos via your client portal.

▪ Access to a private community of like-minded women – where you’ll feel seen, heard and supported.

▪ The guidance, coaching, encouragement and hand-holding that you really need. 

Book a Free Discovery Call

"The fact I'm back in my jeans is a bonus.”

I can't recommend Olga more highly. Her unstuffy and easy to follow approach have transformed my eating habits - and delivered more energy than I thought possible post-menopause. The fact I'm back in my jeans is a bonus.

Zoe, 47

A few words of warning: in 4 months…

you may not recognise your own life


You may have a completely new “normal”...

You may be the woman who NEVER diets again…

And not because you haven’t succeeded or because you “failed” again…

Saying yes to this type of support will TRANSFORM your body and health. But it will also create in you a strength and confidence that you are doing ALL the right things for yourself. Something you can take and use for the rest of your life.

A few words of warning: in 4 months..

you may not recognise your own life


You may have a completely new “normal”...

You may be the woman who NEVER diets again…

And not because you haven’t succeeded or because you “failed” again…

Saying yes to this type of support will TRANSFORM your body and health. But it will also create in you a strength and confidence that you are doing ALL the right things for yourself. Something you can take and use for the rest of your life.

Are you ready to Get Glowing?

Investment: from ÂŁ325/month